Friday 12 October 2007

Greetings and salutations

Welcome one and all to the bastion of public voice that is the internet web log. I promise myself not to abuse the unprecedented wonders of such a service with bouts of narcissism. If I appear to indulge in such displays I'm probably just proving a point.
I have never used one before, for which I am shameful, but it has never been in my character to chronicle events in my life with anything approaching regularity.
Despite friends' assertions that it would help shape me as a person, I was never a diary keeper, having always found the concept to be slightly self-aggrandising.
I am aware for some they provide a release for abuse, loneliness and confusion with the state of the world and that is wonderful, but I fear my life was never interesting or controversial enough to warrant the ink.
Tomorrow when I am more collected I may look back on this post with malice but for now it fits to serve its purpose as a bow and tip of the hat to any who are kind or curious enough to take an insight into my life. Thus begins this digital diary; my memoirs of the mundane.

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